Student Conduct Policy

Student Conduct Policy




Student Status: 


Student status is subject to review at any time. A member of the faculty, staff or student body may request a review by the Dean’s Office if a student demonstrates the inability to live in harmony within the community, or if characteristics presumed present for admission are lacking, such as moral character, relational skills, potential for effective ministry, and appropriate church involvement. The standards for student status always apply, and are not mitigated by calendar interruptions, geographic location or cultural and religious norms. Institutional policies for conduct and conscience are non-negotiable and always applicable during the tenure of enrollment. 


Students who enroll at the Seminary assume an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the Seminary’s interests as a Wiccan educational institution. All students must be of legal age (in the United States this is 18 years old or older). 


All students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which would become the office of minister. Although not all students studying at the Seminary are preparing for professional ministry, the “office of minister” is the standard of conduct expected. 


Respect for others should be the foundation of all relationships. 

Students are expected to be fully acquainted with all published policies and will be held responsible for compliance with them. 

Students are expected to comply with all federal, state, and local laws. 


Each student must make choices that preserve a safe and secure environment in which all individuals are able to pursue their academic endeavors. Each student is expected to practice responsible citizenship and to respect the rights of others. Each community member is responsible for her/his own actions and the conduct of her/his guests. Failure to uphold Seminary rules and expectations as well as district, and/or federal laws and regulations are serious infractions that will likely result in disciplinary action within the Seminary. “Student” means any person who is taking classes at the Seminary or who is matriculated in any Seminary program. 


Applicants are required to disclose any moral or legal factor that could impede their effectiveness and faithfulness in ministry. Applicants and students alike are not eligible for active status while listed in state registries for sexual offenders. 


The seminary will not grant student status for anyone who must comply with court-ordered probation for felony conviction or must register as a sex offender. Current students who are charged in federal, state or civil court must report this immediately to the Dean’s Office and may be asked to withdraw until matters are resolved. 


Electronic Communications: 


Electronic mail (e-mail) is the primary means of communication about classes, registration, activities and campus functions, facilitating the exchange of information in support of and consistent with the mission of WSTS. All students are expected to check e-mails regularly. 

Post only appropriate and respectful content anywhere that you post, e.g., Teams chats, O365 groups and e-mails, Facebook, etc. 

Keep in mind that you are most likely to find positive resolution to Seminary related complaints by speaking directly with your teachers or the officers of WSTS. 

Maintain the confidentiality of WSTS ministerial privileged, private or confidential information. Ministerial privileged information may include information regarding the development of systems, processes, campaigns, know-how and personal information regarding fellow students, teachers, practitioners, worshipers, or people working on behalf of WSTS. 

No confidential information should be posted publicly (e.g., internal reports, policies, procedures or other internal business-related confidential communications.) 

Information posted on the internet, in groups, chats, or sent in e-mails is no longer “private”. Even private e-mails can be copied and pasted or forwarded to other sources. Be careful only to post words that you wish to be seen by everyone. 

Express only your personal opinions. Never represent yourself as a spokesperson for WSTS. If WSTS is a subject of the content you are creating, be clear and open about the fact that you are associated with the Seminary and make it clear that your views do not represent those of WSTS. 

Students cannot make Seminary associated electronic groups without permission. As an example, electronic student study groups are not allowed. 


Conduct Violations 


Disciplinary Actions: Students who engage in inappropriate conduct of any nature will face action up to and including criminal prosecution and expulsion from the Seminary. Students may be dismissed at any time at the will of the faculty. Disciplinary actions for less extreme violations of the code of conduct are described as follows: The Office of the Dean receives and reviews all complaints and concerns about a student’s conduct. No anonymous charges will be given consideration. If the Office of the Dean finds that a student’s behavior is harmful to others, creates an impediment to the teaching mission of the Seminary or violates Seminary policy and/or procedures, the Dean will discuss the behavior with the student. If the conduct is considered to be of a serious nature, the Office of the Dean has the option to: 


Suspend the student immediately for a period of time deemed appropriate for the misconduct. 

Impose non-academic probation for a specified time period not to exceed one year. 

If after the suspension/probationary period, it is found that the student has not corrected the behavior that resulted in the disciplinary action, the Dean may permanently suspend the student from his or her academic program. 

Summarily dismiss the student from the Seminary. 


Prohibited Conduct 


The following are examples of prohibited behaviors and activities which may result in disciplinary action under this Code. Commission of or attempts to commit these acts, condoning, supporting or encouraging others in the commission of these acts, or failure to prevent one’s guests from committing these acts may be treated as violations of this Code. This list is not exhaustive. All items apply online where applicable as well asin-person. Consecrated ritual tools are not considered to be weapons. 


A. Dangerous Conduct: Intentionally or carelessly engaging in conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety or causes physical harm to any person, including the violator. 

1. Placing a person in fear of imminent physical danger or bodily harm. 


2. Causing bodily harm to a person or engaging in aggressive physical contact that would likely have caused bodily harm despite the lack of any measurable harm. 


B. Harassment 


1. Any actions, threats, gestures, and/or words directed toward another person which have the purpose, or which tend to incite a breach of the peace, create a hostile environment, or cause emotional distress to that person because of the humiliating, degrading, intimidating, insulting, coercive, ridiculing, and/or alarming nature of the conduct. It frequently, but not always, involves a pattern of conduct. 


2. Any unsolicited, offensive behavior that inappropriately asserts sexuality over status as a student or an employee; unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors; and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: 


a. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment or academic admission or advancement. 


b. Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis (or threatened to be used as the basis) for employment actions or academic decisions or evaluations; or 


c. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work or educational performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work, living, or learning environment. 


C. Dangerous Items: The use, possession or storage of any firearms, explosives, other weapons, fireworks or dangerous chemicals at any WSTS in-person sponsored event. 


1. Firearms and ammunition - Firearms are defined as any gun, rifle, pistol, or handgun designed to fire bullets, BBs, pellets, or shots (including paint balls), regardless of the propellant used at any WSTS in-person sponsored event. 


2. Explosives and fireworks including, but not limited to, firecrackers, cherry bombs, smoke bombs, and similar devices at any WSTS in-person sponsored event. 


3. Unconsecrated knives or other weapons, objects that could be construed as weapons or items that pose a potential hazard to the safety or health of others. Other weapons are defined as any instrument of combat, or any object not designed as an instrument of combat but carried or used for the purpose of inflicting or threatening bodily injury or damaging/destroying Seminary property or the property of others at any WSTS in-person sponsored event. 


4. Unauthorized hazardous materials or chemicals at any WSTS in-person sponsored event. 



D. Interfering with Fire Safety 


1. Misusing, tampering or damaging fire safety equipment including, but not limited to, fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, sprinkler systems or exit signs at any WSTS in-person sponsored event. 


2. Unauthorized burning of any material in any Seminary building, on Seminary property or on areas adjacent to Seminary property at any WSTS in-person sponsored event. 


3. Disregarding a fire alarm signal or refusing to evacuate a building or a section of a building when a fire alarm is sounding at any WSTS in-person sponsored event. 


4. Recklessly or intentionally activating an alarm when an emergency situation does not exist at any WSTS in-person sponsored event. 


E. Sale, distribution or provision or attempts to sell, distribute or provide alcoholic beverages to and/or by anyone under 21 years of age at any WSTSin-person sponsored event. (“Distribution” means any form of exchange, gift, transfer or sale.) 


F. Drugs: The use, possession, and/or distribution of any controlled substances, including those without a valid prescription, natural hallucinogens, and/or designer drugs (“prohibited substances”); possession of illegal drug paraphernalia at any WSTS in-person sponsored event. 


1. Possession of illegal paraphernalia including any item typically used to inhale/ingest/inject/mask illegal substances, regardless of whether the item has been used for illegal purposes at any WSTS in-person sponsored event. 


2. Possession of illegal prohibited substances at any WSTS in-person sponsored event. 


3. Use of illegal prohibited substances at any WSTS sponsored event. 


4. Students may not attend classes or rituals intoxicated. 


5. Distribution (any form of exchange, gift, transfer or sale) of illegal prohibited substances at any WSTS in-person sponsored event. 


G. Theft/Unauthorized Possession of Property 


1. Theft of property or of services or possession of stolen property. 


2. Unauthorized possession of Seminary property or the property of others. 


3. Plagiarism or Copyright Violation. 


4. Auditing Classes without permission (this includes listening in or otherwise accessing class materials without payment) 



H. Damage to or Misuse of Property: 


1. Intentionally or carelessly destroying or damaging Seminary property or the property of others. 


2. Unauthorized entry into Seminary facilities or property. 


3. Unauthorized use or misuse of Seminary property or the property of others. 

I. Disorderly Conduct: 

1. Acting in a manner to annoy, disturb, interfere with, obstruct, or be offensive to another/others. 


2. Verbally abusing Seminary officials (including students appointed to act as representatives of the Seminary) acting in the performance of their duties. 


3. Behaving in a lewd or indecent manner. 


J. Non-academic Dishonesty: 


1. Knowingly furnishing false information to the Seminary or a member of the Seminary community, including at Seminary disciplinary proceedings. 


2. Forgery, misuse, unauthorized alteration and/or creation of documents, records, identification cards, keys, or other objects. 


3. Possession or use of false identification cards. 


4. Fraud, through act or omission, committed against a member of the campus community (online or in real life) or others. 


5. Knowingly initiating or causing to be initiated any false report, warning or threat. 


K. Interfering with Seminary Events online or in-person: 


1. Interfering with any normal Seminary or Seminary-sponsored events, including but not limited to studying, teaching, research, sponsored social programs, and Seminary administration, fire, police or emergency services. 


2. Any effort by conspiracy or omission to impede or hinder any disciplinary proceeding. 


L. Violating Other Seminary Rules and Regulations: 


1. Any violation of other published Seminary regulations, policies, and procedures, other Seminary publications, and those available at and other Seminary websites and e-groups. 


2. Being present or otherwise involved, in such a way as to condone, support or encourage any acts which would violate this Code. (Note: Students who observe acts in violation of this Code are expected to remove themselves and are encouraged to report the matter.) 


M. Non-compliance: Failure to comply with reasonable directives of Seminary officials, including students appointed to act as representatives of the Seminary, acting in performance of their duties. Directives to provide identification and/or participate in a Seminary disciplinary process are included in the scope of this provision. 


N. Sanction Violation: Violating the terms of any disciplinary sanction as imposed in accordance with student conduct procedures, including the failure to complete sanctions by the stated deadline. 


P. Violation of Law: Violation of local, state or federal laws, regulations or ordinances. 


Q. Sexual Offenses 


1. Sexual Assault: Sexual contact without meaningful, explicit, ongoing consent. 


*** These policies are subject to update and revision at any time. 


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